Zakład Strukturalnych Metod Przetwarzania Wiedzy
- Członek Rady Wydziału
- Kierownik Zakładu Strukturalnych Metod Przetwarzania Wiedzy
Dyscyplina(y) nauki
- Informatyka
Wybrane publikacje
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Pedrycz W., Yu F., Combining Classifiers for Foreign Pattern Rejection, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 10(2) (2020) str. 75-94
- Napoles G., Jastrzębska A., Mosquera C., Vanhoof K., Homenda W., Deterministic learning of hybrid Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and network reduction approaches, NEURAL NETWORKS 124 (2020) str. 258-268
- Pedrycz W., Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Yu F., Information Granules and Granular Models: Selected Design Investigations, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (2020) str. 1-8
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Pedrycz W., Yu F., Wang Y., Multicriteria Decision Making: Scale, Polarity, Symmetry, Interpretability, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) (2020) str. 1-8
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Time-Series Classification Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28(7) (2020) str. 1383-1394
- Wang Y., Yu F., Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Wang X., A New Adaptive Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Forecasting Model for Time Series, IEEE Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2019) (2019) str. 1201-1207
- Saeed K., Homenda W., Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11127 (2018) str. 1-523
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Objective Functions in Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: the Case of Time Series Modeling, Proceedings of 2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2018 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR) (2018) str. 131-136
- Homenda W., Pedrycz W., Pattern recognition: a quality of data perspective, , Seria Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining, (2018) str. 1-296
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., A Cognitive Map-Based Representation for Consumer Behaviour Modelling, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO 2017) (2017) str. 1-7
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Clustering Techniques for Fuzzy Cognitive Map Design for Time Series Modeling, Neurocomputing 232 (2017) str. 3-15
- Homenda W., Saeed K., Chaki R., Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 16th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2017, Bialystok, Poland, June 16-18, 2017, Proceedings, , Seria Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Volume 10244, (2017) str. 1-710
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Waszkiewicz P., Decision Making Beyond Pattern Recognition: Classification or Rejection, Intelligent Decision Technologies 2017. Proceedings of the 9th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2017) – Part I, Seria Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 72 (2017) str. 173-183
- Homenda W., Pedrycz W., Jastrzębska A., Unsupervised Mode of Rejection of Foreign Patterns, Applied Soft Computing 57 (2017) str. 615-626
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Cisłak A., A Study on Fuzzy Cognitive Map Optimization Using Metaheuristics, Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9842 (2016) str. 577-588
- Homenda W., Kwieciński K., Attribute Grammars for Controlling House Layout Customization, Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9842 (2016) str. 707-719
- Homenda W., Pedrycz W., Luckner M., Classification with rejection: concepts and evaluations, Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Recent Trends, Advances and Solutions, Seria Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 364 (2016) str. 413-425
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Ciecierski J., Dybisz B., Clustering as a Tool of Reinforced Rejecting in Pattern Recognition Problem, Proceedings of The International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM-2015), Seria AIP Conference Proceedings, 1738 (2016) str. 180004-1-180004-4
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Complementarity and Similarity of Complementary Structures in Spaces of Features and Concepts, Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Recent Trends, Advances and Solutions, Seria Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 364 (2016) str. 427-439
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Rybnik M., Dealing with contaminated datasets: An approach to classifier training, Proceedings of The International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (Icnaam-2015), Seria AIP Conference Proceedings, 1738 (2016) str. 180005-1-180005-4
- Pedrycz W., Jastrzębska A., Homenda W., Design of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Modeling Time Series, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 24(1) (2016) str. 120-130
- Homenda W., Pedrycz W., Jastrzębska A., Fuzzy Cognitive Map Reconstruction: Dynamics Versus History, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 10(1) (2016) str. 93-105
- Homenda W., Penza T., Mapping Points Back from the Concept Space with Minimum Mean Squared Error, Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, Seria Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9842 (2016) str. 67-78
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Pedrycz W., Multicriteria decision making inspired by human cognitive processes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 290 (2016) str. 392-411
- Homenda W., Jastrzębska A., Zawadzka A., Waszkiewicz P., Pattern Recognition with Rejection. Combining Standard Classification Methods with Geometrical Rejecting, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9842 (2016) str. 589-602
Funkcje w redakcjach czasopism naukowych
- Członek Komitetu Redakcyjnego w czasopiśmie Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
- Associate Editor w czasopiśmie Information Sciences
- Członek Komitetu Redakcyjnego w czasopiśmie Information Sciences and Computing
- Associate Editor w czasopiśmie International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems
- Członek Komitetu Redakcyjnego w czasopiśmie Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Pokój: Kampus Główny PW, Gmach MiNI, pok. 552
Telefon służbowy: (22)234 7961
Email: wladyslaw(kropka)homenda(aciek)pw(kropka)edu(kropka)pl
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