Zakład Projektowania Systemów CAD/CAM i Komputerowego Wspomagania Medycyny
- Członek Rady Wydziału
- Członek Komisji Egzaminu Dyplomowego dla Kierunku Informatyka i Systemy Informacyjne
- Członek Komisji Programowej dla kierunku Informatyka i Systemy Informacyjne
Dyscyplina(y) nauki
- Informatyka
Wybrane publikacje
- Stelmaszek M., Zdroik P., Porter-Sobieraj J., Automated 3D-printing path generation for parts with holes using continuous fibre filament, Virtual and Physical Prototyping 19(1) (2024) str. e2402871-1-e2402871-16
- Płocharski A., Swidzinski J., Porter-Sobieraj J., Musialski P., FaçAID: A Transformer Model for Neuro-Symbolic Facade Reconstruction, SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Proceedings (2024) str. 123.1-123.11
- Płocharski A., Swidzinski J., Porter-Sobieraj J., Musialski P., Neuro-Symbolic Transformation of Architectural Facades into Their Procedural Representations, ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Posters, Seria SIGGRAPH ′24, (2024) str. 31-1-31-2
- Płocharski A., Porter-Sobieraj J., Lamecki A., Herman T., Uszakow A., Skeleton based tetrahedralization of surface meshes, COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN 111 (2024) str. 102317-1-102317-13
- Lamecki A., Kaczmarski K., Porter-Sobieraj J., Hierarchical data structures in rendering scenes containing a massive number of light sources, Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, Seria Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 30 (2022) str. 535-544
- Opalach K., Porter-Sobieraj J., Zdroik P., Stacking optimization of 3D printed continuous fiber layer designs, ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE 164 (2022) str. 103077_1-103077_15
- Słodkowski M., Setniewski D., Aszklar P., Porter-Sobieraj J., Modeling the Dynamics of Heavy-Ion Collisions with a Hydrodynamic Model Using a Graphics Processor, Symmetry-Basel 13(3) (2021) str. 507-1-507-15
- Porter-Sobieraj J., Słodkowski M., Kikoła D., Sikorski J., Aszklar P., A MUSTA-FORCE Algorithm for Solving Partial Differential Equations of Relativistic Hydrodynamics, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 19(1) (2018) str. 25-35
- Porter-Sobieraj J., Luckner M., Górak R., Okulewicz M., Wawrzyniak P., Indoor Localisation Based on GSM Signals: Multistorey Building Study, Mobile Information Systems 2016 (2016) str. 1-17
- Porter-Sobieraj J., Cygert S., Kikoła D., Sikorski J., Słodkowski M., Optimizing the computation of a parallel 3D finite difference algorithm for graphics processing units, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27(6) (2015) str. 1591-1602
- Porter-Sobieraj J., Słodkowski M., Kikoła D., Sikorski J., Cygert S., Using GPUs for Parallel Stencil Computations in Relativistic Hydrodynamic Simulation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8384 (2014) str. 500-509
- Porter-Sobieraj J., Ryciuk M., Depth Peeling Algorithm for the Distance Field Computation of Overlapping Objects, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seria Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8033 (2013) str. 99-107
- Porter-Sobieraj J., Słodkowski M., Kikoła D., Sikorski J., Cygert S., Towards an Efficient Multi-Stage Riemann Solver for Nuclear Physics Simulations, 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FEDCSIS), Seria Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, (2013) str. 441-446
Pokój: Kampus Główny PW, Gmach MiNI, pok. 523
Telefon służbowy: (22)234 7057
Email: joanna(kropka)porter(aciek)pw(kropka)edu(kropka)pl
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